
All Your Blog Needs Is Some Good Bus-Crashing Scenes

Here at Lutefisk and Okra, we aim to bring you the most interesting and insightful information the Internet has to offer, such as pizza cooks who dream of amazing crash-landing scenes.

I myself dream, literally, of driving an out-of-control bus. It happens when I am stressed out, so here's my therapeutic anti-Moments of Zen.

Also on a mostly unrelated side-note, there was a girl that I rode the bus with in high school that I had a big crush on. She wasn't my type personality-wise; she talked a ton and wasn't obnoxious, but close to it. She was cute, so that is what I hung my crush on. Anyway, a year or two after high school she was in Japan and was talking to someone and stepped off a curb and got killed by a bus.