Then recently an acquaintance of mine, whose cinematic taste I trust, posted this little clip confirming my fears:
The clip was straight out a of late 80s USA network. The gently-drifting oboe at 1:38 really brings the scene together, but it just looked like a crappy movie. I was only skimming the surface. Then I saw the "suggested videos" column and found this review:
Pretty funny, but halfway through I hopped over to their suggestion of the "The Room Flower Shop Scene":
YouTuber, tbirddddd writes:
It's like when you're playing a videogame and you skip the dialogue as soon as you read the subtitles.
Another comment from PapaPandaProductions states:
that meee howmuchisitthatwillbe18dollersheregoookeepthechangehidoggieyourmyfavoritecustomerthanksalotbyyye bu bye
And then the scene recreated:
And then the writer, director, actor Tommy Wiseau interrupts Obama:
And a Bert and Ernie version:
And then the equivalent of David Caruso's taking off the his sunglasses and quipping:
Anyway, you get the idea and the gist of the movie. I'm still certain I don't need to waste a Netflix envelope getting this garbage. It's so much more fun seeing it unfold in the disjointed chronology and user-submitted edits off YouTube, complete with the MST3K comments.
Edit: Ok! Ok, subconscious! Fine!