The typical ketchup packet was poorly designed and a nuisance to use. Certainly the reason behind such a small packet was economic. I'd contrarily believed that in the long-run such a small packet required more to be given out and at the end of the day cost the fast food company more.

I also thought that the first fast food company to get a custom-made, large ketchup packet could easily differentiate themselves from their competition. The tiny ketchup packet is lynchpin of American food culture drawing hackneyed comedians to talk about it in the same manner as small airplane seats and the DMV.
I put together my thoughts in to a proposal and sent it to about 10 fast food companies. Surprising, all responded. Some with a short letter, others like White Castle, called me within 24 hours of getting my letter.
Most of their replies had the same "nose-turn" rationale; economic. Studies have been done on consumption and size and that was the optimum size.
It was fun to do and White Castle sent me a shitload of merch and coupons.
Anyway, after 40 years of millions of trying to open a packet with McGrease-covered hands, Heinz has revamped the ketchup packet.

The new packet holds 3 times as much ketchup and has a 'dipping cup' shape. They've also reduced the sodium and added sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.